Cheapo_Óculos de Sol_ BRAND REED.
Cheapo_Óculos de Sol_ BRAND REED.
Cheapo_Óculos de Sol_ BRAND REED.
Cheapo_Óculos de Sol_ BRAND REED.
Cheapo_Óculos de Sol_ BRAND REED.


€34.99 EUR
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Perfect sunglasses for a perfect day. I'm glad I spent it with you! The Reed sunglasses have a matte black frame combined with a black lens. Made from recycled plastic....

Color: 16134AA


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Perfect sunglasses for a perfect day. I'm glad I spent it with you! The Reed sunglasses have a matte black frame combined with a black lens.

Made from recycled plastic. Using recycled plastic reduces pollution in ecosystems, requires less energy and helps conserve natural resources, saves space in rapidly depleting landfills and alleviates the demand for fossil fuels.

Exchanges and Returns

Please note that the images shown on the website are merely indicative and may not correspond in detail to the final product.

The products we sell often have characteristics specific to the materials used in their production. These characteristics, such as variations in grain, texture, knots and colors, cannot be considered defects or damage. We select only the highest quality products, and these variations are unavoidable and should be accepted as part of the unique appearance of each product.

Personalised items and hygiene products (swimwear, bikinis, underwear), wetsuits and neoprene accessories that have been used in water (ocean, pool, river, etc.) are not eligible for exchange or return.

For more information, see our Exchange and Returns Policy.

Garantia & Cuidados

Na Wavesensations, oferecemos garantias para determinados produtos, cobrindo defeitos de materiais e fabrico conforme indicado abaixo.

  • Fatos de Surf: Garantia de até 3 anos, dependendo da marca.
  • Relógios: Garantia de 2 anos para o movimento interno e resistência à água.
  • Mochilas, Carteiras e Acessórios de Viagem: Garantia de 1 ano.
  • Óculos de Sol: Garantia de 1 ano.
  • Calçado e Vestuário: Garantia de 3 meses.

As garantias não cobrem desgaste normal, danos acidentais ou modificações não autorizadas. Para manter a durabilidade dos produtos, siga as instruções de cuidados recomendadas.

Para mais informações, visite a página Garantia e Cuidados.

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